Monday, January 7, 2013

Heaven was Drinking Tequila when they Rolled my Genetic Dice

Well, that appointment was frustrating. Yes, I need surgery, but I already knew that. The only thing that was really accomplished that day, was getting a confirmation for surgery and the need for more doctors to be contacted and involved. I have to see a geneticist and a pulmonologist. Surprisingly, the geneticist is who I primarily need to see. Why? To see if there is any connection between diseases. I realize I haven't seen one in at least twenty years, but I'm not quite sure if it's necessary.

More doctors. More tests. I get it, I'm the guinea pig because my case is rare. Doesn't make it any easier. While I want to know about all the connections between my diseases, I'm actually okay with just taking the doctors word and taking all the diseases as a grain of salt. I'm so close to having a solution that I just want to skip everything in between and go straight to the recovery period.

Life only seems like it's partially begun and I really just want to get through this to actually start living.

I was in the hospital this past weekend for work. Because I had to get a nurses attention, I basically had to run across the floor. After, I didn't feel too good and I have to admit, I want to believe that after getting this surgery will help tremendously and I can actually do a short jog without having any repercussions. However, yes the cardiomyopathy limits me, but I certainly believe that I will be able to hike and be outdoors without as much limit as I have been within the last year. I also think I will be able to get into better shape without as much deterring me physically.

This is from two Novembers ago in the Poconos on the Appalachian trail. I want to not only be able to do this again, but exceed what my limits are believed to be. 

My future seems to be taking forever to get here, but I guess until then, I should enjoy the ride and trust that whatever will happen, will happen in time. I'm hoping to have the surgery, at earliest, at the end of the month. 

Keeping the faith that everything will work out and that this year will be one of the best yet.


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